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03/07/11 10:29 PM

#19082 RE: katano #19074

We should get one thing clear.

Cannabis oil curing skin cancer is a fact.

It is well documented and is easily repeatable as it can take as little at 2 weeks or less. Try a google search for cannabis oil AND skin cancer you will find many people know this to be true, until recently you could go to jail for using this cure. Now we have registered cancer patients who are not afraid to say what cured them.

Keep in mind this is empirical evidence and can be observed with the eyes without aid of any instrumentation from cancer to cured on the skin. Some will choose to believe the propaganda and lies rather than their own eyes, but I will not be one of them and neither should you.

Doctors, Scientists, and patients agree marijuana has a vast array of medicinal value, it is only the DEA and politicians who disagree.