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04/16/05 9:09 AM

#8003 RE: Jagman #8002

O/T: Same can be said about the larger exchanges.

Difference is that the larger player's BS is just on a much grander scale, and is much harder to follow.

terry hallinan

04/16/05 10:23 AM

#8004 RE: Jagman #8002

"My stock is better than your stock, my stock is better than your stock, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah." The game is played constantly without any serious attempt to compare. In order to do any kind of decent comparison, it might be helpful to know what one is comparing a stock to.

Even if BIPH reaches an agreement with BSX, it could be several years to see any revenue and maybe not much.

The Captain (Mike Weiner was once a fishing boat captain] could be telling a fish story but it seems a bit risky don't you think? BSX wasn't named as the "preferred partner" but the implication is obvious.

This is an interesting endorsement:

Funny..I just had an MRI and I've got a stent. Got it 5 years ago to get a blocked artery flowing properly. This news of technology that'll allow me to get a look into my stent without cathiterization is HUGE. Do you recall my mention of ROCM, who make the best cathiters? I found them after a bad reaction to a conventional cathiter. I've never had an attack or even symptoms that would indicate cause for concern. I was amazed that they recommended a stent...and oft wondered if I wasn't just helping the crew get new Benz's. Since then, I've wondered if the stent is clogging, as is so common. This new MRI capability will be VERY WELCOME. Glad i nibbled

even more interested in the OS increase in their next filing.

I would bet it will be in the neighborhood of 120M. Not too difficult to spec it out with a bit of research.

it could be several years to see any revenue and maybe not much.

I have been looking a little bit at MRI purveyors considering what the quoted poster was talking about. My guess is "much" considering the viewing advantage. Your call though.

Lots of people nibbling and taking notice. Quite a few hot buck artists have joined in for an overnight stand.

There is some threat in that, of course. I liked BIPH a bit better when it was selling for pennies frankly.

Like FASC is.

And there you begin to see a real difference though frankly I would take an inventor extraordinaire as CEO over a circus promoter.

Wish everybody luck here. I like to search the dark corners for hidden gems. Hope FASC is another BIPH but only time will tell. They don't pop up all that often.

BTW the post I quoted was from a hefty investor in PRW, a biotech that has been the subject of hatchet jobs from the Boston Globe that can't be matched since that fine paper did one on Lizzie Borden a while back. Lizzie was said to be no mean hand with a hatchet herself. I consider that a positive. Now the stories I could tell.... Naww, this is a FASC MB.

How about we lay the hatchets down huh?

Just a thought. Appreciate all the research done here. Still trying to figure this riddle out.

Best, Terry