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03/06/11 4:55 PM

#6966 RE: never96 #6965

That's a very good start.

Yes, indeed.


03/06/11 4:55 PM

#6967 RE: never96 #6965

That's a very good start.

Yes, indeed.

Polish Crusader

03/06/11 6:53 PM

#6969 RE: never96 #6965

I'm almost speachless, but not quite. We must bring some balance to all this speculation. Everyone evaluated these possible events with their own belief system ( including myself). Much of the other board mentioned has some pretty far out ideas and each person is interpreting the outcome based on their beliefs. That which comes from those concepts is fear and death. The only alien that I'm sure about that has come to earth has warned us about these last days and His name is Jesus. In time the "prince and power of the air" (Eph: 2:2) will be seen by all. But where will we be found,hiding under a rock, in a cave living in fear and faithless??? I have made my stand long ago and will stand. Forgive me for being so blunt to the board but the forces behind these events are not just from outside of this world but in the unseen world. One cannot cast out a demon with a bag of rice or a 338 rifle (I have both). I feel these days like Noah must have felt just before judgement came. We stand on the ark and yell at the people and say " A big rain is coming" but only eight were saved through the flood. jmo,jmo,jmo,jmo,jmo,jmo. >>> p.c.