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03/05/11 5:03 PM

#236893 RE: vineseeker2 #236888

Or we might say neither one of them knew what they were doing and we were foolish not to recognize that sooner.


03/05/11 5:07 PM

#236894 RE: vineseeker2 #236888

Sound logic!


03/06/11 4:33 AM

#236911 RE: vineseeker2 #236888

Sounds logic to me too, the only logic IMO. What's good for SEO(and friends) is good for us and the other way around,all the rest is speculation.


Jim Long

03/07/11 9:17 AM

#236927 RE: vineseeker2 #236888

Vine, and may I add to your comment "in a Nigerian fashion." ERHE is an American company, but it is subject to the a Nigerian cultural mindset. That does not mean ERHE does not have to abide by American laws and regulations but it does not preclude it from conducting business in a manner that is foreign to those whose industry models have been experienced more with a Western cultural mindset. That in itself gives reason for the lack of understanding of both SEO and his chosen CEO as to how "they do things". I do not like it because it is foreign/strange/odd/opaque/etc. However, SEO must still believe he can make money doing it the Nigerian way as he continues to vote daily to keep PN. It is what it is!