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03/04/11 6:07 PM

#22642 RE: hotrod34racer #22641

Great minds think alike.


03/05/11 9:21 AM

#22652 RE: hotrod34racer #22641

The silence speaks volumes
A fluff pr at this time would not be benefitial anyway. However due to massive dilution, A plummeting stock price, broken promises etc..The company owes its shareholders an update. Do you realize the amount of money the shareholders here have lost?? Any ceo knows to build a strong company you must have a strong base. the shareholders are the base. No matter what the product is, if a ceo will be a silent participant as his base is destroyed cares little for his shareholders and considers his company expendable. So in this case what he has not said speaks louder than whatever he could say. At this point I consider this company and the direction of it a total loss.
Just my take on this company