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03/04/11 5:49 PM

#441 RE: vallence #440

Vallence I'm sorry but you are getting kind of ridiculous talking about this being a scam and. If you think your threating of a letter to the sec had anything to do with the stocks showing up that's pretty funny. I've met the owner/Creator. John and have held the products in my own hands and my grandpa is in the company and meets with the board and john and a regular basis so there's no scam no conspiracys going on here. So so hopefully you can chill now and sit back and hopefully get rich and if you new what I did you would know that might be happing sooner than later. And to whoever keeps saying its not gonna see the light of day trust me it will


03/05/11 5:02 PM

#448 RE: vallence #440

Vallence, almost everyone received the BORK shares from the DTC by last Friday. But some like Fidelity received them almost 3 weeks ago from the DTC.

Look relax or sell but don't start accusing everyone as scammers. Come on Twiford and company spent $3.2 million of GPGI's money to try to get the gold recovery process to scale up. Twiford has sacrified a lot. The Kryron armor is for REAL - better that anything currently protecting our troops in Afganistan.

The new management, Bourque and company for the most part are more "tight lipped" about issuing information. That's just the way it is. Bourque has spent over a decade developing Kryron.

Based on the buys of BORK stock, someone REALLY BELIEVES that Kryron is making progress. maybe as armor or maybe for industrial uses.

I too say "chill out" a little. You are wrong. That's not to say success is guaranteed -- this is PINK sheet stock. Failure is more likely to happen 9 times out of ten.