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03/04/11 3:30 PM

#25591 RE: bepo #25561

bepo, this is very well stated, my sentiments exactely.

My issue is with the timeframe. Current investors were not aware of the R/S announcement in Dec. In fact, the event was pre-announced 5 weeks before it was to happen. With faithful followers waiting for strong earnings news,announcing the R/S was premature . Waiting to see where strong sales would take the pps is not sugar coating !

The announcement of the doubling of A/S was no better. You had already made several public comments about record sales, increasing earnings estimates going forward and maybe even a stock buy-back. So while you were working hard to meet a filing extension you vote to increase A/S by 5 billion. Investors are anxiously waiting for confirmation of good news you had already reported. Long term investors added shares before the news.....why would we wait till after the news. Short term investors bought after the drop and will sell after the march 10th news!

Long term investors, the LFBG Faithful got crushed Twice....the short term investors, market makers and shorts keep making a killing.

I've commented before about the need to sell events like a R/S or doubling of A/S..... the time is coming....its March 10th ! You show the plan for the future and how you plan to get there . Doubling the A/S is part of the plan, not something you announce with record earnings and your 1st profitable quarter. Also, if you were concerned about not being honest, then you vote to increase A/S AFTER you issue the news your investors have been anxiously waiting for !

Moreover utilizes a shareholder survey to bolster sentiment by equating percentages with supposed happiness ... for who?

I think I am mostly disturbed with the lack of concern over this doubling of the A\S, that is an awful lot of pieces of the same pie.