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greg s

12/02/02 10:57 AM

#18 RE: xxrayeyes #17


re: I didn't hear JBS mentioned anywhere in the searches for the articles posted here

For grins, I ran a Google search on: "John Birch Society"+propaganda. I also ran searches on the authors' names. I found the relationships within minutes, so it shouldn't take much work.

Again, good luck in your discovery.

Intel board - #board-369
Grateful Dead board - #board-1329
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12/02/02 5:03 PM

#28 RE: xxrayeyes #17

Sometimes an organization gains a reputation for being "secret" just because no one really knows anything about it at the time.

Journalists who can't find out about any particular group are quick to jump at the conclusion of secrecy in their original writings, thereafter giving the group the label thereafter.

The concept word "cult" is also used as often as "secret society" by journalists to grab attention to their writings.

Mystery is the greatest attraction to curiosity seekers when looking for something new to learn and study.

To gain a greater understanding of how propaganda really works, go rent the video "Grass", a film directed and produced by Ron Mann and narrated by Woody Harelson.

Penny King Holdings Corporation, a Delaware Investment Holding Company.
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12/08/02 7:32 AM

#36 RE: xxrayeyes #17

perhaps you guys should check out the ,free masons or nigths templer.rose crusian.these people have been around for some time and are deeply involved in world goverments