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02/28/11 5:59 AM

#18039 RE: lamachina9 #18038

French news / article dated February 22nd 2011

Sorry for the bad traduction ( automatic one ).

Cannabis could make its entry in the arsenal to support cancer care if a Canadian study results confirm. Indeed, one of the compounds of this plant seems to restore the taste and smell to chemotherapy patients. It is commonly called THC, an acronym that is easier to pronounce only the full name: delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It is one of 60 active ingredients present in the cannabis plant and physicians know him for a long time. It has been tested in cancer research to prevent the vomissements.0 but he was not satisfied as an antiemetic. He was also widely studied by pain centres but today, he returned to a new indication for a Canadian clinical trial. THC was evaluated versus placebo in patients with advanced cancer, chemotherapy, and suffered from disorders of taste and smell, attacks so-called 'chemosensory'. The aim of this work carried out in two hospitals and published today in the Annals of Oncology was to demonstrate that with THC, patients were appetite, increased their caloric intake and found a certain quality of life. Patients were subjected to a questionnaire to assess their disorders such as their perception of the bitter or the sour in 14 items. Once included in the study received either THC in the form of dronabinol 2.5 mg per capsule or a placebo. Patients could take two capsules per day, one before every meal, but could climb up to eight capsules per day. 111 Patients eligible for the study of phase 2, 21 have been finally assessed, 11 in the Tcl group and 10 in placebo analysis of this investigation brings several particularly interesting lessons even if this sample is very small. Overall, the rate of complaints for sensory disorders was not different between the two groups. But on the other hand, the improvement was evident in the Tcl group when evaluated progress smell and taste.' My taste has changed ' or 'my sense of smell has changed' were more frequently observed in Group THC (36%) than in the placebo (15%). The majority of patients in the THC (73%) group overall better appreciated the food than the placebo (30%). More than half of the Tcl group, 55% were found food taste better that this feeling was recognized in only a patient out of ten of the placebo group. And half of patients in the THC described the disappearance of sensation of unpleasant odours that they were facing the food at the beginning of the study. Able to distinguish between the different tastes and smells was again possible in 73% of the treated group, then in the placebo group, 60% noted no changes and 20 ù experienced a worsening of the phenomenon. Seven of the eleven patients THC reported having better appetite, a condition not met in the placebo group. But what seems very interesting this is the Tcl group has increased its consumption of protein and its total intake of calories for non-trivial compared to the placebo group. It is mainly about envy and the consumption of meat brought changes. Protein intake helps fill the muscle wasting and helps restore immune defenses. Finally, in terms of quality of life, the Tcl group describes a marked improvement of the quality of sleep and relaxation. There was no difference, on the other hand, in the fight against nausea. Side effects and incidents were few and no serious effect was found. Adverse effects observed in the Tcl Group had heart palpitations of balance, dizziness, heavy, and abdominal pain disorders. As reported earlier, the workforce of this study are very low, 21 patients. It therefore does not tire