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02/26/11 3:04 PM

#21961 RE: hot-penguin #21958

Very true - remember the old saying "Loose Lips sink Ships" maybe this is why they have decided to be quite on the Rite Aid Deal - and other deals in the works. That is why they hired the IR company good or bad they hired them for a reason and that is to field calls and answer questions for them - so they can conduct day to day business and grow their profits - once they do that then they can uplist and get on higher boards etc.......
Good Luck to All and GO LKEN


02/26/11 3:05 PM

#21962 RE: hot-penguin #21958

Please, if you would not mind.

List the others stocks where emails from investors has destroyed a multi million dollar transaction.

I have not called or contacted rite aid.

But I am curious to know where this happened.