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12/02/02 12:04 AM

#2918 RE: Elmer Phud #2913

Elmer: Re: I am not simply critiquing your semantics, you are posting one thing then claiming you said another.

OK. Suit yourself. I made what I meant by my claim very clear. You seem to be the only person who still does not understand what I said. I am done trying to 'splain it to you.

Now you are apparently saying that Intel originally intended to have a 90nm product in 1H03 but no longer shows that on their roadmap...

I provided a link for that claim. WBMW claims that the information in the link is incorrect, and I am inclined to believe him. But the link does indeed prove that I did not make it up, as you claimed.

My point is that a rumor on the Inquirer doesn't mean it's true. That should be obvious to you by now.

Interesting that your final point has nothing to do with your obtuse argument about how wrong I was when I referenced 90nm when I should have said Prescott.

I am pretty sure that I saw the same info elsewhere. I just did a search on the Inquirer and could not find the article. Nevertheless, I have heard the same information many times. It has been posted here, and on many other boards. No Prescott until 4Q03. I am not saying it is true, I am saying it is what I heard.

None of us will know for sure if it is true until Prescott (or your mystery replacement vehicle) is released in volume.

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12/02/02 12:11 AM

#2921 RE: Elmer Phud #2913

ELmer: It wasn't the Inquirer...

You saw a rumor on the Inquirer saying that Prescott was delayed until end of '03. That rumor made the assumption that it must be because the 90nm process was delayed. You bought it without question.

Not to belabor the point, but it was xbitlabs - a far more reputable source. Hmmm looking at the date, it looks more like a confirmation, rather than the original source.

The Pentium 4 "Prescott" CPUs with 800MHz PSB, 1MB of L2 cache, Hyper-Threading II technology and manufactured using 90 nanometer process will be launched in the fourth quarter next year...