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02/25/11 3:37 PM

#115499 RE: rkrw #115496

He’s clever.

No argument there. The new company, however, seems fit for a megalomaniac; from the same article:

Among other colossal ambitions, he wants to revitalize the troubled field of gene therapy, make dozens of inexpensive protein drugs, and produce better genetically engineered crops that will benefit consumers, not just farmers. The company is also working on biofuels, designer enzymes, bioplastics, and unspecified consumer products.

That’s all? :- )


02/25/11 7:10 PM

#115516 RE: rkrw #115496

I have no idea on his new venture, he wouldn't be the first to crash and burn with gene therapy.

Does this deal change your feelings towards ZIOP at all? I thought things were progressing quite nicely at ZIOP and then they go and do this deal kind of out of left field. I'm still long and remain optimistic but this deal just kinda came out of nowhere and the pessimistic biotech investor in me says: if their existing pipeline was so great, why was there the need to go out and do a little bit of a dilutive deal for a whole separate type of technology and pipeline (even if it does have a cancer bent to it like your existing pipeline).