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02/25/11 8:58 AM

#4967 RE: maestro_of_Ihub #4965

Thank you for the thoughts maestro. There is always the possibility of a dark pool of phantom shares happening with Trey, and if you are correct, then we are in for the ride of our lifetimes!

Having said that, there is no way for any of us to know one way or another at this juncture, but my plan is to stay with Meller here and see what happens.

If they do a name/ticker change or a R/M at some point which triggers a massive naked short position to be uncovered, I will be holding you in the very highest esteem and will gladly buy you a drink any where you desire!

Looking forward to finding out in either case! Have a great weekend yourself....

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02/25/11 9:51 AM

#4968 RE: maestro_of_Ihub #4965

There is no massive naked short position.

No RegSHO threshold flags since 2007, and only 1.2M shares shown as short at the January 31 report. The Feb 15 report will be out this afternoon.

You simply don't get it, that with 8B shares outstanding, it must be pretty easy to borrow shares for shorting.

You also don't understand that if YAGI converts their balloon payment at the end of the year, assuming the company doesn't pay the $1.3M balloon (though I believe they will pay most, if not all of it) that adds another 13B to the outstanding share count, and Meller's eventual conversion adds nearly 22B.

You seriously want to tell us that, at the end of 2011 with perhaps $9-10M in revenue, a company with 30B - 43B shares outstanding is worth more than $0.0004 to $0.0005?