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02/24/11 7:28 PM

#17732 RE: sevenOdouble #17730

You shouldn't call me that here.
The conspirators will think I pay you to hold down Fannie and Freddie.
Just between you and me,they can't interpret what they read and they need to stop people from spreading the historical/hysterical truth behind and within Fannie and Freddie.
They actually think that Freddie and Fannie are run by the best and the brightest,when really they must be overloaded with,well the same quality financiers as the mortgages they bought and sold.

For god's sake,they did not even know how to secure a mortgage deed properly.
And better yet I talked to one of Fannies asset managers manager.
And all she knew was Fannie protocol.
Now she was a person that was suppose to check on what the lawyers and asset managers were doing.


02/24/11 8:33 PM

#17733 RE: sevenOdouble #17730

Freddie only lost .53 per share this quarter.

What does that put FMCC at -$53. per share ?
Shareholders better hope Hussein does not make a new law that shareholders have to pay all the losses of the company.
Where we at now $12 trillion that will have to be paid down by future taxpayers.
Is Freddie and Fannie gonna collect the welfare state debt also as a 40 year mortgage?

The Obama administration has been racing to transform the United States into a copy of the European social-welfare system, while at the same time those countries are being forced to come to grips with the failure of their welfare states, says Michael D. Tanner, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute."

"The United States is well down the road toward a European level of government spending and debt. Already, the U.S. national debt tops $72,000 per household. The Congressional Budget Office projects the debt will equal 90 percent of our gross domestic product (GDP) by 2020. That would be higher than any of the countries mentioned below."

"For the quarter, net loss to shareholders was much smaller at $1.7 billion or $0.53 per share, as against net loss of $7.8 billion or $2.39 per share last year. In the prior third quarter, the company reported net loss of $4.069 billion or $1.25 per share."


02/25/11 2:40 PM

#17734 RE: sevenOdouble #17730

Take what is said with a grain of salt when it comes to Kelly. He has a personal grudge against FNM/FRE due to a deal he had that fell thru...that I'm 100% sure was his fault.