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04/12/05 10:07 PM

#68888 RE: Cassandra #68887

Cass; i wasn't around much then so i missed it...but KMB just said she tried the digeplayer and voted for it which is OK as far as i see it. Don't know about the others and what they did with their voting privileges.

Subject: Congratulations to EDIG !
From KMB1
PostID 387187 On Thursday, March 10, 2005 (EST) at 11:59:58 AM


Sorry guys/gals (from here on out..collectively ''guys'') I am three pages and a day behind but I wanted to give my 2 cents worth. lol!

I AM VERY PLEASED for these two recognitions as I have flown Alaska Airlines and concur, and have tried the DP and concur. Makes me think my voting e-mail for the DP DID have an effect. Whether or not...WE STILL WON! How great is that!

Maybe I'll get to handle the next gen DP on my future flight over T-Giving again. Only this time I hope to have as good as digital camera as my daughter! lol!