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11/30/02 3:58 PM

#9 RE: greg s #7

I would caution you to examine these theories with very close scrutiny.

That is the entire point of this board. To examine the theories presented in these types of articles and debate their findings and opinions. Do you think the "Round Table" actually exists? How about secret societies in general? Wheter or not everything stated in the articles is true, is there any truth whatsoever therein? I would also like to hear from any Roswell junkies. I saw a Sci-fi channel special recently and it was pretty good. It suggested a lot but didn't really prove anything though. It is interesting that the Roswell debate has lasted as long as it has though.

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11/30/02 4:10 PM

#11 RE: greg s #7

One thing is certain though. The federal reserve does create money out of thin air. World debt is totally out of control and it is in a way a form of economic slavery. I have also noticed that America seems to have some sort of conflict every so often and it always seems to shore up patriotism among the general population. While it is a dangerous world and conflicts are bound to arise, it is a bit curious that when patriotism is at a low, a conflict always seems to come along to shore it up. A vast conspiracy? Maybe not. But a curious coincidence nonetheless and something worth exploring. I have also followed with interest some of the new laws that are being enacted to protect the security of the American people but seem to be taking away some of our cival liberties. I would ask the question, if all our cival liberties are taken away, what is there left to protect? These types of issues should also be discussed. I will only be able to add to this board in my spare time but I will try to post some of the most debated new cival defense laws soon. Also some interesting stuff on the U.N.

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11/30/02 4:27 PM

#13 RE: greg s #7

One of the best authorities on the Fabian Society is Carroll Quigley, who wrote the book, Tragedy and Hope.

This is the part that interests me. I intend to buy the book and see what the hub bub is all about. A lot of the conspiracies seem to be based in part on this work by Quigley. The secret society thing is what I am interested in mostly. I have heard of such things before but have never researched the subject. Since one of the supposed founders of the Round Table was Lord Alfred Milner and I have the same last name, it peaked my interest. Once I started looking into it, I saw there was a lot of info out there and that I would have to weed through a lot of BS to find the few kernels of truth that actually exist. After all, a secret society is by nature secret. If there was a ton of factual info out there, it wouldn't be very much of a secret. Anyway, I figure I'll post everything I find here and read it all at my leisure, hopefully getting a better understanding of whether or not these societies exist. Doing so would be easier with an entire community such as Ihub chiming in. I guess you could say I am starting a "public society" dedicated to uncovering the truth of the secret societies.

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12/02/02 3:54 PM

#19 RE: greg s #7

I actually enjoyed "The Fountainhead" more than "Atlas Shrugged" The only flaw in that statement about doing only for oneself is that if one never provided a service or produced any goods for anyone but oneself, you would be dead within a month.

We can argue this point endlessly, but "selfishism" is hardly a workable philosophy". If you find any hidden agendas certainly it can no longer be hidden for the fact that you may have uncovered them.

Perhaps the only agenda left in the political world is "who will control the thoughts of humanity for the next thousand years? Will it be the money changers or the ones that have tried to throw them off the temple of earth for the past 2,000 years? Many have died many lifetimes for your sins, not just one man crucified!

The act of ommission can be as cowardly and equally consequential to oneself as an act of commission. Think about that in your framework of "never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

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