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04/12/05 7:16 PM

#24057 RE: frogdreaming #24033 one of those rare celestial alignments only occuring rarely in the history of the, bag, and I seem to concur...

First, regarding your pronouncements..we don't really know if the market didn't like it or this was just the normal profit-taking after a big run...and we won't truly know whether this run "was stopped dead in it's tracks" until COB tomorrow when we see the price and volume.

Care to state your baseline as to what qualifies for "stopped in it's track's...? Price drop %, volume drop or %?

It will be fun to check the results COB tomorrow.

Personally I would hesitate to make such emphatic claims before tomorrow says hello.

Now..regarding the rare celestial alignment...

You said: "Whatever the news, the timing was inopportune."

There-in we agree.

Bag appeared to indicate his concern with the timing and I must say I do as well. It would seem "logical" if given a choice of timing, that the Form 15 issue would be done first and given time to settle (as evidenced by the current murmurrings...).

Then...the exciting announcement of DNAP's new "Super EPO" anemia drug...

However, logic does not always prevail. Not knowing the answers (more fly on the wall stuff) adds wonder about all the unknown, unexplored causality behind all this...whether by DNAP or the SEC or OTC...or other yet-to-be-determined covert terrestrial agencies or extra-terestrial forces?

I will savor our agreeing for a long time to come. Thanks!

God Bless and take care,
