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02/23/11 2:34 PM

#24620 RE: ORCA #24617

Troy caught me almost 2 years ago with a split and I lost almost 10K... I sold and just recently bought back a few months ago for a lot less and have been buying almost every week. And bammm - he did it to me again...

But I bought more at .0019 today and will buy more if or when it is lower... Push comes to shove we can just have another disco record night at the baseball park but it won't be records we are burning!

Almost retired

02/23/11 2:54 PM

#24628 RE: ORCA #24617

Like I said, even a dog knows better.
I find it amusing that one of my other stocks had about 6% INCREASE PPS the day it PR'd a $2million Line of credit yet everyone runs scared here when LFBG gets $10,000,000 LOC.

Smart Investors know to hold their shares and it will NOT be years before we see profit. I'll make a gentlemen's bet that we get some good news within a couple weeks and everyone that sold today will need even more tissues.