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ergo sum

11/30/02 12:09 AM

#50402 RE: mlsoft #50400


Is it really so hard? They could raise the minimum wage. Help empower the unions. Create some new jobs like FDR did.

In Sept 2001 the Fed added over a billion, compared to now they have added almost nothing. They spent over a year taking it back. Shoppers had to be restrained by police today in, where was it, NJ?

How about we just take all the used cars and send them to Kenya?

The spreads on mortgages have been historically high, just that would suggest the banks have had a long time to fine tune the bottom line. For almost a year I have been hearing about JPM and the gold derivatives, aren't these people capable of unwinding this position?

With all due respect to the Q, Qwest has gone from about $1 to almost $5. Technology is something like 20% of GDP just as it was in 1980, it is not everything.

Ergo Sum


11/30/02 12:22 AM

#50403 RE: mlsoft #50400

mlsoft-- As for the Qs hitting the 32 range in the not too distant future,, well-- it is POSSIBLE, although unlikely. I'm sure Greensperm will do all in his power to see it happen. Until business begins spending again on tech it will not happen. Profits are a key and about the only way for tech profits to see high profits again is to see some consolidation. Some big names in tech and airlines need to be permitted to go belly up in order to reduce capacity. The easiest example is airline seats. Allow US Air and UAL to fold up (as they well deserve) and there are fewer companies with high priced labor and rediculously priced mgmt operating at a loss while expecting the taxpayer to keep them afloat. Like throwing $$$ in the sewer which would be much better used helping those out of work find another (although lower paying) job. Telecom is another that will not recover in any acceptable time frame without consolidation. Instead, many want to keep these companies in a $$ losing business and drawing out their sector recovery to decades instead of months. If US Air was no longer and UAL ready to toss in their crying towel, airlines would already be well on the road to recovery. HHMMmmm-- maybe some chipmakers ?????????????