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02/22/11 11:31 AM

#38570 RE: growthstocks #38569

Just to refresh… My daughters and I own more than 3 mil shares. They have bought Vata Brazil clothing and love it. I lost money on the Vegas debacle. Still down 60% Believed in Danny before, no longer. Tired of all the “longs” standing up for Danny like he is family. I’ll be done posting for a while, but will watch. I really hope all of the optimism is deserved. I’de love to see a profit.


02/22/11 12:04 PM

#38587 RE: growthstocks #38569

Look at it from the other side for a minute. I see Billboards up as well.
When DA has not accomplised 95% of what he has stated, one might believe that we jsut paid to have advertising signs put up in the windows. That you might have seen what you did, but how do we know what company they were actually doing this all for>
We have no way to know! Unless DA wants to put out a copy of the signed lease to show what is really going on.
I mean, DA can talk about dates, but what makes me doubt it, on top of supposedly being about a month late if it does open, is the fact that there was not a time of the opening mentioned.
The two go together. Any store opening that is PR'ed by any company, always has a time of opening.