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02/21/11 1:03 PM

#284 RE: upshegrows #283

I normally try to avoid "highlighting" opinion posts but ..

That comment captured the essence of what it means to invest in Valcent so accurately - it has been added to the stickies.

We'll leave it there until we have more concrete "news" to replace it with!

Welcome on board too Memdicht - contradictory opinions are welcome here as well. We are all aware, I hope, of the problems the company has gone through in the past but most regular posters believe that the new team can turn things around.


02/21/11 2:41 PM

#285 RE: upshegrows #283

You added the hothouse and lululemon connections and a need to consider this in looking forward.

I would add that potential investors should also look at Institute B. A new business incubator that very clearly preaches the importance of social responsibility in their endevours and their clients, would haved to be dulusional to take on a company like Valcent and place them at the top of thier client list, if the direction of Valcent was toward questionable PRs, questionable business practices, etc.

I guess we will see.

I personally hope we are past this company being as high risk as I read your post to suggest, but I certainly defer to your knowledge and expertise over my own:-)