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02/20/11 2:31 PM

#8263 RE: guiness007 #8262

GLOOMY............ Not me!

In fact, I am pumped! Let me tell you why. If I had jumped in when this was suggested to me at around five cents a share, and I like volume, I would be sitting at 0.008 now with an 84% loss, that is if I had held on with that deer in the headlights mentality. Let's see, with a small $1000 position, for an example just for this post, I would have $160 left in the position. Oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, I'm not GLOOMY at all, at least for my own experience. However, and this must be the old guy in me, I do not like seeing other hardworking investors taken to the cleaners while a company and all its sheep on the boards tout what a great opportunity we have here. That ticks me off as no one is of course accountable for the misleading sentiments, statements, persuasions.

While the traders with experience exercise their stop losses, new traders are ripped off and driven away from the markets as they can not justifiably sustain their rate of loss. When we loose these traders we find ourselves asking where the new money is to restore the PPS. Where indeed! LMAO as they left the party and even if this is a good investment going forward the history over the past six months will stifle what could be stellar performance.

And what was that big rise in the PPS last September? Let's take a look. Now here is one from September 21st: "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". Oh, that's our friend Nilbud providing spiritual motivation! And there is that Wall Street Bull. In fact, that bull is pretty popular. But lets go back to the first week of September. More "FLTT - weeeeeeee" on the 7th. Well, a person just needs to look around a bit to see the groupies working the board and then stop for a moment and ask where the beef is.

I know, this is stock trading and those who are dumb enough to plop their hard earned money down on a "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" or some other inspirational language deserve to lose their money. That's fine!

In the mean time, now is the moment to be looking at FLTT carefully as the bottom of 0.0001 is still a long way off from 0.008. Not suggesting it will go to 0.0001, but is Friday's close the bottom or will investors find that this is just one more step to 0.007 and 0.006 and 0.005 and what ever it is?

I'm now finding that the risk to reward ratio is about where I would like to see it for taking a position. Just about........ not quite sure yet. LOL

No, not GLOOMY friend, very very glad to have not been suckered into this huge losing position. Perhaps GREEN times are coming. Perhaps! Good luck.

NOTE: All my IMO intended to be honest, not divisive, and most certainly not advice for any investing or sentiments. Everyone must do their own duh duh ("DD") and make their best decisions as they most certainly will pay their own way.
