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02/18/11 4:46 PM

#5846 RE: BTH #5843

Oh, don't take it so hard-I'm sure you(and the rest of us) will get over it.

I guess you just we're bearish enough. After all, it's only(particularly at this point)paper money.

But more seriously, yes we could see global financial armegeddon at any time, particularly later in the year.

However, as you also know, these things can (and generally do) turn just as quickly as they ensue, and the downside at this point, even if you ascribe to a high 4s-5.00 floor, is many orders of magnitude smaller than the upside.

A lot of big players are aware of the ultimate value here now, who weren't as little as 6 months ago.

I suspect these will provide the floor here.




02/18/11 7:15 PM

#5847 RE: BTH #5843

Hedgie my boy, good call on this technical sell-off. It's the first one you have gotten right since I have been following this thread for about a year and a half.

I think there is a whole lot of fear mongering the last few days. Many are buying the BS hook,line and sinker. Suddenly a company that was showing such great promise a month ago after the Succeed trail is now an overvalued pos. You guys can fret over the daily trading fluctuations and I will see you in a year from now. I believe my position will be substantially higher by then. The only thing that has changed is that things have gotten much better!

Good luck to all but my suggestion is that you stop selling your shares at serious lows because you are scared. This will be a distant memory soon enough.


02/18/11 8:37 PM

#5849 RE: BTH #5843

great post... uh oh, am I in danger of having this post censored for a change (LOL)


02/18/11 11:00 PM

#5853 RE: BTH #5843

BTH you are missing the big picture. Same thing that made you miss INCY, and HGSI real upside. This stock is very very undervalued, and sooner or later (i bleive sooner) will fill the VALUE GAP, and not some idioitic TA gap.