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02/18/11 12:36 PM

#166 RE: investorwisdom #165

faraday cages.

if you google how to build a faraday cage, there is a lot of info. i like some of this, some is just too outrageous. one of the simplest is a metal shed. i have heard of using those insulated grocery bags as they are lined with aluminum foil, garbage cans, etc. apparently any metal although copper/brass screen is recommended.

they also need to be grounded at a distance. small emp's and mag fields can be stopped using simple getups. but for a truly severe extended flare followed by a mag storm, a full cage which includes the floor is essential.

can you imagine it? i have tried. no cars, the electronics are all dead. no power through utilities, no phones, internet, tv, radio,... how would it all be replaced or fixed? and it would be worldwide. who would make the new parts? where in the h would you start?

cars are an interesting side topic. if your car has enough steel in it, it is already a faraday cage. but reports are that the electonics would all go dead anyway. apparently if they aren't toasted in the initial storm, they would fry when you start the engine if you don't wait until the storm subsides. how are you supposed to know that the storm has subsided enough.

better have a bicycle. and lots of hand tools too.


05/15/11 2:47 PM

#181 RE: investorwisdom #165

not sure what this is about, but it looks odd. posting it for you to check out. from the catastrophe board.