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03/16/01 2:17 AM

#138 RE: Vendit #137

I am sure that is very special for you.


03/16/01 1:25 PM

#139 RE: Vendit #137
To:Vendit who started this subject
From: Jorj X. McKie Friday, Mar 16, 2001 1:07 PM
Respond to of 19090

Who is Vendit???
Vendit is a guy that came over to my thread on iHub and calls one of my friends an SI Boob. This was unprovoked and uncalled for.

He then tried to have me ousted as Chairman of my own thread. He actually approached IH Admin (Matt) behind my back and tried to do it earlier than when he made his public attempt while I was out of the country on business.

He continues with his obsession with Poet by posting to her and when he doesn't get the positive feedback that he craves, he challenges her on both SI and on my thread on iHub, even after being asked repeatedly by Poet to not post to her.

He claims to want to use iHub as a place to discuss stocks only, but he came to my thread and attacked me and my threadmates and it was completely unprovoked.

Clearly he does not want the ugliness from earlier this year to die down since he keeps on adding fuel to the conflict. Why he thinks he is taking the high road when he tried to blackmail Poet and provided false information to GZ so that he (GZ) could try to break up her marriage is beyond me. But if he wants to keep this alive by attacking me and my friends, I am perfectly happy to keep this going.

As far as I can tell, the only thing that I have done wrong is be a friend to Poet and to publicly state that I thought that the attacks after the GZ incident should end so that people could get back to their lives.

It still amazes me that Vendit is deified while Poet was villified for the brief flirtation. I am amazed that people forget that it is Vendit who made the vows to his wife and not Poet. The only one responsible for any wrong doing to Vendit's wife is Vendit.

Your move Reid

Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: Atin who wrote msg# 60 Date: 2/25/2001 11:12:15 PM (ET)
Post # of 138

As promised I book marked your one post on Ihub.

The question in my mind is do you offered any serious content or are you just another SI boob?

I have now idea, so why don't you show me your chart stuff.

No offense intended.

Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: OMD who wrote msg# 12 Date: 3/1/2001 9:52:50 PM (ET)
Post # of 138


OMD there has been no thread activity here in several days so I am going to ask Ihub to relinquish this thread-masters thread to me.





Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: cOUSIN SHORTY who wrote msg# 83 Date: 3/2/2001 7:08:58 PM (ET)
Post # of 138

I see a dead thread here until I threaten to take it. As long as there is posting activity on this thread there will not be any way that I can take it.

If this thread was placed here in a serious effort to create an interest then the thread's creator and it's P&F students should post here.

If not Im going to take it.


Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about iHub

What is the Chairman of the Board concept?
The Chairman of the Board concept (COB) is a very unique feature to iHub. We created this feature because of the wide-spread problem with spam, personal attacks, and bashing without reason or facts. As Chairman of a Board, you can delete messages, manage the opening information to the board, manage the e-mail list for that board or club, and add/delete Directors to help you watch over the board. The Chairman, if he loses interest in the stock, sells, or otherwise can pass on his powers to a new Chairman. (If a Chairman has become inactive and you can not get a hold of him, e-mail Support, and he can be replaced). The COB concept was designed to keep discussions focused, clean, and fresh -- not cluttered with useless links and bickering. This is a new concept, so make sure you read all FAQs and How To's associated with the various features! And use them wisely!


Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: The Real Poet who wrote msg# 112 Date: 3/14/2001 9:31:23 PM (ET)
Post # of 138

Posted by: The Real Poet
In reply to: Vendit who wrote msg# 129 Date: 3/15/2001 6:35:27 AM (ET)
Post # of 138


Here you are again, posting to me although I've asked you to apologize before I'd respond. You seem to absolutely crave any kind of contact with me that you can get. I'm getting embarrassed for you, not to mention your wife, who has been put through far more than she deserves. If you cannot muster respect for my request, please control yourself for her sake.

My best to you both.

Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: The Real Poet who wrote msg# 130 Date: 3/15/2001 7:29:16 AM (ET)
Post # of 138


I have absolutely nothing to apologize for. You are the one who has been doing all of the posting on SI, not I. That is a 100% true and accurate statement.

You seem to absolutely crave any kind of contact with me that you can get.

Really? I came to this forum to get away from you and your cronies. Why did YOU follow me here??? I invite you to leave this forum and not return.

As far as my wife is concerned; she and I and a group of "friends" have been silently watching you make an absolute ass out of yourself on SI. We are both just fine, thank you for asking.

Have a nice day.


Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: JXM who wrote msg# 135 Date: 3/15/2001 10:03:02 PM (ET)
Post # of 138

Would you like me to tell you a bed time story?

Teaser ad;

FArF vEniT

I talked with Tom on the phone last Sunday and Tom acknowledged that Fluzzie....sexual private messages to him

and I recorded this conversation.


To:Poet who wrote (34744)
From: Vendit Monday, Mar 12, 2001 10:49 PM
View Replies (2) / Respond to of 34829


Why not share some of your market wisdom with this thread and tell us where you think the COMPQ is going to land tomorrow and why.

Which sectors will lead the way down, or up and why.

Am I off topic?

Poet if you are man enough to answer me, I will engage you.

If your cronies speak for you then I will assume that you are not able to answer me without help.

Be serious or I will consider you a waste of my time.

The Best~
Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: The Real Poet who wrote msg# 9 Date: 3/3/2001 5:46:02 PM (ET)
Post # of 62

Click on the Board Manager link at the bottom of the thread header. Once in, find your desired post and click it's link. Then hit the "delete" button above it.

Now find the link above the main thread box to return to Ihub.

You, JXM and CS all have this ability.

Posted by: Vendit
In reply to: IH Admin (Matt) who wrote msg# 12 Date: 3/3/2001 7:31:54 PM (ET)
Post # of 62

Poet is a fast learner so I'm sure she won't have any problems adapting.

I really do like the COB feature. It must take a lot of complaints off of you. As a Chairman I certainly find it convenient.
