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Santa Barbara Broker

02/17/11 9:06 AM

#90591 RE: kauaikid #90559


It sounds to me as if EXPH management could have a future P&D with NRS

Bank on it. But I doubt that NRS will stand alone in that endeavor. Brown and associates, IMHO, are building a launching pad for the mother of all P&Ds. Whether it will be intended to prop the PPS following the reverse (or forward or whatever) split, provide a dumping ground for PIPE funders and other accredited investors to make a fortune or both remains to be seen. But it's almost a certainty that they will be using compound PR releases over a period of a week or so to sustain or drive the price at stepped levels. The problem is that (and I am certain this is the reason they are setting it up the way they are) Expo management now has zero credibility. The boiler room guys Expo (IMHO) hires to pump the thing 3-4 days ahead of the PR flurry will be saturating the boards penny traders congregate on with their "insider" tips on whats coming to get the rocket on the pad. My guess is you'll know it's coming when the regular P&D crowd along with some new faces show up here. Of course at that point it will be too late to buy as it will already be locked above .0001. That's all just a obvious one, but a theory nonetheless. That being said I strongly suggest that no one even consider acting financially on said prediction. I will be vamoosing (as ill as it makes me to do so) once the Expo P&D starts for a day or so to allow it to run unopposed from whatever infintesimally small influence (if any) I might represent, in order for the long suffering EXPH holders of this board to escape. No guarantees of the thing coming down that way or even that it will occur at all, but that's my story on Expo's coming P&D and I'm sticking to it. All IMHO.