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02/16/11 7:27 PM

#330 RE: Heywoody #329


I am planning on doing exactly that regarding KDKN, COUGF and TAMO. I only just recognized the linkage between KDKN (my painful experience) and COUGF & TAMO earlier today.

However given the extensive disclaimers that apparently many don't bother to read, I suspect I am facing an uphill battle. Plus I have no hard evidence at this point.

Regardless, I call your attention to what I intended to be my main point in my last post:

"Where am I headed? Does anyone have any evidence at all that there is any truth behind all these RAPT releases? There is a lot of nice sounding, but in my view, unsubstantiated info floating around right now. Well meaning posters analyzing not necessarily accurate info. Logic and technical analysis doesn't work so well if the underlying facts are suspect. Not saying that is the case with RAPT but I am more than a bit concerned."

Still hoping that someone has at least some evidence that these PRs on RAPT are on the up and up. It's easy to rationalize what one wants to believe and this is certainly a compelling story ... just like KDKN was. For example, I can find nothing regarding American Grease other than the PR. Someone was going to try to talk to Gleason today but could not connect. Etc., etc.

I hope all of the PR on RAPT is based on fact and it is merely an effort by them to raise capital by selling stock. Hell, I hope RAPT turns into a biofuel colossus. But has anyone considered the possibility, however remote it may be, that this is all too good to be true. With only a couple of minor exceptions, RAPT PRs seem only to be released after Market Close.

If I were in Florida I'd do a face to face.

Just trying to establish a bit of comfort zone.