SECU gainzz rr stikking. SECU iz the second Kleenist Shell that has been taken over imo, with CLCI being #1.. Flotez lokkt down/No nu sharez in the flote/No Legacy Bagholderz to cum over tha top of either,, kept sum free SECU sharez riding just to see wutt MiloZ iz gunna do nexxxxt!
Lookz like a lil Reinstatemint fruntrunning going on today at tha last 2 Reinstatemint plays: RENG and CLCI... RENGz share struktshure is kwestishunable.
MiloZ sent one of tha Burdkrew down to tha nvsos office yesTURDay to reinstate SECU, I wunder why he didnt just goAhed and reinstate RENG and CLCI too!