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Toxic Avenger

02/16/11 12:19 PM

#57024 RE: FUNMAN #57021

The problem now is the balance sheet. Huge liabilities, huge preferred stock. That's what will keep anyone from attracting any capital other than through dilution, IMHO.

I would be shocked to see any meaningful advertising in any medium. They simply don't have the funds.

BTW, the "declining economy" IMHO had virtually nothing to do with DKAM's problems. They had a lending deal tied to their A/R even in the heady days of Trump. They lost even that when they purchased Olifant, but even if Sovereign hadn't used that as reason to cancel the deal, the additional debt they took on might have easily made it unworkable. After that, they had to go to factoring, then to some death spiral convertibles (which may or may not be depleted now). While their cost of interest and dilution did soar after losing their credit, the real impact was the dramatic cut back in production caused by the loss, IMHO.

In my personal opinion, PK is always going to look out first for PK. Who doesn't? He certainly benefits from a higher stock price, but he suffers more if the company closes down, not only because of his ownership, but because of his salary and debt. I think he is genuinely trying to increase shareholder value, but I'm not sure there's any thing he can to to achieve that without risking either his personal capital, or the existence of the business.