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02/15/11 12:47 PM

#20484 RE: Live42Day #20479

Here's a tiny little secert for you. ALL PINKS NEED TO SHOW MORE TRANSPARENCY. But thanks for being redundant. With the information we have, some of it sright from IR and confrimed 100% legit, we are simply betting for bigger and better things to come very soon. We are all betting one way or another on this stock. That is what you do when you tade. Who in the heck are you to say we are wrong for placing a bet on something we believe in? Specially when you back up your negative comments with not one bit of proof or facts.
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02/15/11 1:51 PM

#20513 RE: Live42Day #20479

Please! I'm not leading anyone anywhere. If you are disgruntled with the way the management of this Co is handling things; might I suggest you take your holding in LKEN and move them elsewhere. I, on the other hand will be sticking with this stock until I am given/shown a reason not to be. Good luck to you.