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02/14/11 11:05 PM

#5520 RE: GoldBandit #5519

GoldBandit well said USSIF is an Ag bargain play :-)

I'm not worried about this at all. The word will get out and this stock will make highs that are going to spin your head. All you need to do is "be right and sit tight" Just wait until the earning reports start coming out and quarter over quarter earnings go higher..... The suits are going to be all over this stock when they realize that silver is not going down and that the earnings on this company are going to continue up. It's going to be a total riot to own. Just don't sell it or you will be severely disappointed. Ignore the short term and look out 2 - 3 years. I can't wait........

USSIF its very cheap Ag producer
compare to other only exploration project taken over by
rich who want real hard asset safety -
for their fiat fed papers -

Batista Bid Has Brazil’s Richest Make Explorers Cheap: Real M&A

USSIF a fiat penny bargain :-)


02/15/11 12:57 AM

#5521 RE: GoldBandit #5519

Stiff the Fed
By David Bond, Editor

Wallace, Idaho – Ron Paul has written a book, End the Fed,
well known in these circles.
We have a better idea: Stiff the Fed.

In case you missed it, the financial cable network CNBC
actually produced something informative a little while ago.
It listed our 15 biggest creditors, the entities to which
the captive citizens of the United Snakes of America owes money.

Canada, which we always held as infinitely more sensible,
turned up in the Top 15 for the first time.
We owe Canada $3.6 billion.
Coming in at 14th is Hong Kong, at $138.9 billion.
We owe the Cayman Islands' banking centers $146.3 billion.
Twelfth is Brazil; we're into them for $184.4 billion.
We owe OPEC $210.4 billion.
We owe the insurance industry $261.8 billion.
We owe domestic commercial banks and credit unions $269.8
billion, making theirs our 9th biggest I.O.U.
The Brits and our own state and local governments are tied
for 7th place at $511.8 billion each.
We owe mutual funds $637.7 billion and
pension funds $706.4 billion.

Are we beginning to see a pattern here?
This thing is beginning to go logarithmic.
We owe Japan $877.2 billion.
China ranks a measly third: they've been shedding U.S. debt
like crazy, converting it to stuff we used to do, like mineral
and oil production, but they're still just a hair shy of
a trillion, $895.6 billion to be precise.

The last two surprised us.
Holders of U.S. Savings Bonds, and a category CNBC calls
“other investors” rank No. 2, at $1.458 trillion.

And the Number One I.O.U.? Drum roll, please: it is our very own
United Snakes Federal Reserve Bank, which has us on the hook
for a staggering $5.351 trillion!
That's right. We owe the Banksters in our own midst interest-
bearing debt more than five times what we owe
the Chinese we're always sniveling about.

We owe Ben Bernanke's crooked, miserable Jekyll Island creature
10 times more than we owe the money-grubbers at
the counting houses in London.
Noise from the cute brunette talking head at CNBC:
“So no big deal, then – we just owe it to ourselves.”

This is indeed a Pogo moment: “We have met the enemy and
he is us.”
Because who, exactly, is “ourselves.”
A good question, and one to which this writer
can proffer no answers.
The Economist serves up some circumlocution on the subject
but basically paints the players as victims of speculation
even as its editor attends the annual Bilderberg
get-together, off the record of course.

But somebody shoved $5 trillion of debt up our stern-bearings,
and stands to reap a tidy profit on the compound interest
which we must pay to service such debt.
But there is an old and worthy saying.
Owe the Bank a little, and the Bank owns you.
Owe the Bank a lot, and you own the Bank.
So we've got some leverage here, n'est-ce pas?

Let's go down this list. No way we stiff Canada.
We share North America and the Great Lakes with them,
and we need their beer, lacrosse and the NHL and
the three-downs-only Canadian Football League.
Plus, it would just not be Polite, and Canadians are
sticklers for Politeness.
Settle with them, dollar-for-dollar.
We spend more on chocolate bars every year (and Chicago
election-fixing) than we owe the Mounties.

We're not so sanguine about the Tommies.
The Brits have invaded us twice, and we think they were
most likely behind that beastly Jekyll Island swindle
back in 1913 that brought forth the Federal Reserve.
Still, some of us have family back there on Old Blighty.
Offer the Brits two bits on the dollar, and invite them
to invade us again if they don't like it.

The Caymans? Interesting question.
Given that it's probably all drug money down there, we should
tread lightly, insofar as all those black-market drug fortunes
are a direct consequence of prohibition here in the U.S.
Fifty cents on the buck, with our apologies.
Considering the taxes they've escaped over the years,
they'll take it.
Brazil? Hmmmmm, they've got more oil than Venezuela, and
as we do not have the will to develop our own petroleum
and metal reserves and resources, we'd better be very nice
to Brazil if we want our cars, trucks and trains and
furnaces to run. We'll need them.
Treat them like Canada, even up.

As for the Little Old Ladies, the folks holding U.S. Savings
Bonds, better square up with them as well.
It would be suicidal to stiff our parents, because they
fought in actual declared wars and are handy with rifles.

This leaves us with the Federal Reserve Bank, this mysterious
beast in our midst, to whom for no reason known to God
we are paying interest.
Our interest payments to this weird ghost will in a few years'
time consume all of our “discretionary” federal budget,
and we won't have paid down a farthing.

Why cannot this nation, like so many millions of U.S. homeowners,
simply walk away from the mess this cabal of
greedy Fed banksters created?
Hand 'em back the keys, and keep our pledges to Canada,
Brazil, China, Japan and our own savers at the same time.
The interest saved by stiffing the Fed would retire our
foreign debt in short order.
Besides, it's time Timothy Geithner and Helicopter Benjamin
Bernanke got real jobs – like maybe in a Chinese coal mine.
God Bless