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02/12/11 2:27 PM

#177 RE: abnrgrrvn #175

Great to see you here abnrgrrvn, and good post. Would you and bfl be interested in being assistant mod? or we can flip, and i'll be assistant? I added you, but let me know if u r not interested.


02/12/11 3:14 PM

#178 RE: abnrgrrvn #175

Tree Owner agreement/projections are invalid Look at your agreements and just count how many have been ignorned completely by owner.

I threw that in the garbage a long time ago.Thats why I sold my trees after Steve stopped a refund.Took a loss.

Look at the real situation at hand 1000s of investors who are stuck with small logs onder torn plastic that TATF and steve dont sell or cant sell or both .At the end final harvest the same will likely happen and it wont be worth it for the average joe to fly to CR set up shipping ,freight, customs,brokers,inspectors and find a buyer for a pitifull final yield.

Stay Away from this Scam!!!!!!!!!!!

Honest Brad


02/12/11 5:18 PM

#185 RE: abnrgrrvn #175

Ab, approximately, or actually, how many"loads" have you processed? Also, what constitutes a load?