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02/12/11 11:34 AM

#24794 RE: ironjericoh #24786

I have no doubts here. My post was meant to be sarcastic/humorous. I understand there will be delays and understand the CEO(or IR) made a rookie mistake by promising an exact date for events to unfold. Its damn near impossible to predict months ahead of time what will and will not be completed by an exact date.

Everyone here needs to put themselves in Chris shoes for a minute. He has a business plan and takes over a company that has been run by crooks for years. He has to clean up the mess created over years in a short period of time while simultaneously attempting to produce revenue.

The current well was not part of the original business plan but was a oppurtunity that presented itself and management(much to their credit) jumped on it. Could this revenue producing oppurtunity have delayed their original plan to release corporate updates?....Sure it could have. This company does not have 15 corporate officers to handle the day to day tasks it has two. Delays are to be expected.

Now while management is running around trying to start the business they are being bombarded by shareholders with various agendas on a daily basis. Can you imagine trying to clean up a shell, create revenue for your company, deal with state and federal regulating agencies, secure financing just to come home and find out some shareholder is harassing your family trying to find out where you went to school? I cant believe people are suprised that management will not return calls.

IMHO management has a hard job ahead of them but to date they have made the right moves and deserve the benefit of the doubt. If the PR takes a few more weeks I trust it will be worth the wait. Good luck to all.