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02/10/11 4:31 PM

#213657 RE: kayessjo #213548

OOPs Duplicate, sorry
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02/10/11 4:33 PM

#213661 RE: kayessjo #213548

Kayesso, I believe you are right.

You have described the procedure with most legitimate corporations.
My questions are:
Who was on the board of directors that appointed Jeff to be CEO?
Dean? Josh?
Who is on the current BOD?
Who appointed them?
Who, then, can legitimately call for a shareholders meeting?

Seems to me that Dean and Josh are the only ones that can claim any semblance of legitimacy. Jeff ascended to the throne by coup, which in my mind is not a legitimate business process in the USA.

That said, I hope that Dean never returns to QASP or any business other than making small rocks out of large ones in some federal (or state, I don't care) prison!