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02/09/11 7:21 PM

#60 RE: Leafs007 #59

Thank you for the letter - I had not seen it

I would want management to review other companies that have done this to determine its' value - the only experience I had was CMGI and ENGA; and ADSX and DOC - both provided no increased value to shareholders after 5 years.


02/10/11 7:42 AM

#70 RE: Leafs007 #59

Opinion From the Blog "Jason" in Response to the Open Letter:

I agree with the following opinion found in the company's blog:

Jason February 9, 2011 Respectfully, the vast majority of your shareholders only hold INT because of Ortsbo. It would be naive for the mgmt and board to think that the interest in your company will remain once you divest a significant portion of your equity interest in Ortsbo.

If your goal is to access American capital markets, you could easily, given the interest in your company as of late, initiate a financing in Canada and/or the U.S. and then list the company on a U.S. exchange. You could presumably engage the same investment banking firms that you indicate are so anxious to advise on your proposed deal with Lions Gate.

It is so standard for small and medium-cap companies to do further financings in order to fund the next stages of development — it`s in fact expected. Given the interest in Ortsbo and its tremendous potential, any number of firms would presumably finance an equity offering for INT at a favourable valuation, but without forcing you to divest a portion of your equity in Ortsbo. No one worries too much about dilution when the valuation is favourable.

With the greatest of respect, make no bones about it — for the vast majority of retail and institutional investors, no one is going to care much about INT once Ortsbo is gone