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D theG

02/09/11 10:00 AM

#4634 RE: zabone #4633

Sounds good Bone, I'm sure we will get an update when appropriate. Folks have to understand, the gasification business is becoming very competitive and I'm sure Albert doesn't want to publicize the deals he is working on till they are signed sealed and delivered, otherwise other players can jump in at the last minute. All the best.
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02/09/11 1:39 PM

#4635 RE: zabone #4633

Bone, I was told that would not happen until at least April when they plan to relist on the OTCBB.
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02/09/11 7:25 PM

#4636 RE: zabone #4633

Bone be sure to keep things in perspective and stay away from rumors. I just do not want to see you get your hopes up then have them destoyed by big let downs. I believe we are still months away (late April) from any real news. I have talked with IR again and it does appear from my conversations with them that there are 5 to 6 different projects on the table and a couple of them are suppose to bigger than the Port Hope project would of been. I also believe we now have something unfolding in the U.S. because of Albert Pope and his many connections however I want to be careful not to count my chickens before they hatch. You really never know what is fluff and what is real until the release comes out. I would say just remember our past experiences with this company and all the let downs that occured over the years. Until the dotted line is signed it really is not credible.

I believe Albert Pope is the one bright spot in this equation. He seems very knowledgeable when it comes to the energy sector and has decades of experience under his belt. He is very careful about the release of information and its accuracy. With that said I believe his words can be trusted and he does not spew a lot of hype. Why he decided to agree to become CEO of Sunbay, I am not sure but we are very fortunate to have him and his many connections. I would like to talk with Albert Pope over the phone but I seriously doubt that will ever happen. I would just like to hear it from the horses mouth, as they say.