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02/08/11 11:54 AM

#106929 RE: bdubble #106927

Because they have already filed on two of the six companies listed in their original suit. It is just a matter of time they do the same on the rest of them. You can call it assumption if you like, but when the SEC names specific companies in particluar out of the 65 companies noted, they are clearly moving to seek disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, appropriate civil penalties and permanent penny stock bans. This is outlined in their suit, read it as however you wish, but the DD is out there in the court documents and the new filings.

According to the S.E.C., the crux of the purported scheme lay in issuers’ affiliates or third parties providing Downshire and Meadow Vista with shares in particular companies that would be touted, or the couple would buy shares of stocks they would then tout. The effect was that as the penny stocks went up because of investor demand, the two would sell off their holdings and profit handsomely.

The Web site’s only disclosure statement was that Penny Stock Chaser “may be selling shares of stock at the same time the profile is being disseminated to potential investors; this should be viewed as a definite conflict of interest and as such, the reader should take this into consideration.” The S.E.C. contends in its complaint that such a statement was inadequate disclosure for the regular and “massive” quantities of stock the couple sold.

and also the specifics:

The complaint outlines six specific companies that Penny Chaser touted fraudulently:

Converge Global, a Utah-based real estate company, which the two touted at least four times, gaining $602,000 in net proceeds;
Biocentric Energy Holdings, a Florida-based green-tech company, whose stock movements netted the two $569,000 in net proceeds;
Bluewave Group, a Nevada-based multimedia company, whose stock garnered them $184,000 in net proceeds;
Avro Energy, a Nevada-based oil company, which produced $16,000 in net proceeds;
Atlantic Wind & Solar, a West Virgina-based solar energy company, which garnered $780,600 in net proceeds;
MSE-Enviro-Tech, a Delaware-based fire suppressant maker, whose stock gained the two $240,000 in net proceeds.
The proclamations of Penny Stock Chaser — along the lines of “You cannot own too much of a good thing … THE ONLY ADVICE WE HAVE IS TO BUY BEFORE THE CROWDS” [sic] — appear to have tremendously swelled trading in the stocks the company touted.


02/08/11 12:17 PM

#106930 RE: bdubble #106927

Some people really need to do a little more REAL DD on the common toxic shell which is what exactly this BEHL is. No product, no business, phony addresses, criminal actions and behaviors, selling and increasing the share structure, false PR's, company flat out lying to shareholders, and many filed complaints for a fact, it would be better known by the dreamers that their definitely is ongoing investigation on BEHL. I have filed myself and know of an SEC officer that is handling the case. They are just slow and spend more time on other BS pinkies that are really taking the money (this stock is pretty dead), but that doesn't mean the paperwork has gone away or the Feds aren't going to do something. No one will know that until it is done already and it's too late for any current shareholder.

Along with what BB stated about ALL the companies being looked at from the PSC case, it is only common sense. Plenty of facts out there to do DD from instead of the "hope" mode or blaming so called "shorts" (thats a real joke to anyone who really knows the market and is only used by ones who sell to the naive).

There has been many, many posts and many other places to get information and facts from, dreamers just need to do the DD and pay attention instead of listening to ones who are the sellers or other "hope" behlievers. BEHL has "headed" right where it has been obvious to most and stated and will continue to head into the stinky toxic shell pinky black hole.