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02/07/11 12:56 PM

#4644 RE: maestro_of_Ihub #4643

I think it's time to get some more of this stock...when they file this thing will pop JMHO! .0002 even with 8B O/S is cheap.


02/07/11 1:52 PM

#4650 RE: maestro_of_Ihub #4643

LOL. Please son.
273 million, or 273 billion, or $273 worth...who the hell knows with you? In any case, I guarantee you havent been responsible for bringing eyeballs to the stock.....made your first buy 2 years ago? You want to take credit for the anemic trading activity since then? You can have that credit.
For the rest of you posters, who dont call for bs buying blitzes that produce nothing but aggravation, I'd like to introduce you to how business is done in 2011. Want to sell software? viral marketing! Want to sell shares? viral marketing! Want to start a revolution in Egypt? Viral marketing!
We have the tools available to us. Post on other boards, on other sites. Dont pump, just cite facts from the press releases. Make a personal commitment to make 10 posts a day in other places, instead of 10 stupid posts on this or the yahoo thread, complaining about transparency, sales size, who's a thief, or any of the other retarded topics that come up daily. If everyone here made 70 posts a week, without the pumping crap, how many new buyers would come in eventualy? where would the share price be? how much would your position increase in value? viral marketing, its where we need to be. And the beauty of this is that you do it cuz you want to, you believe in your investment, and not cuz some tard is telling you a buying blitz is coming (but not the public one he's promoting, only the private one that the select few get to hear about). And who cares if you dont hear about the private one? Nothing ever happens from mr. 273 anyway. Vote with your typing fingers, boys.....if you believe in this, and want to increase your value, get typing!