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02/05/11 5:50 PM

#5216 RE: doughboy2 #5215

For me. My thoughts and opinions are as follows. Hell, perhaps I have no clue what I'm talking about. Mere speculation. Oh well.

Although I do believe an R/S will eventually occur, I doubt it will anytime soon. In fact an R/S should be the very least of anybody's concerns as Helix's bigger problem is that they need to increase shares right now, not decrease them as all of the convertible promissary note holders have decided to cash in.

So, an increase in the A/S is more likely to come first.
As long as the convertible debt holders continue to cash in Helix has no choice to continue the dilution process as a result of having no revenue coming in. If the convertible debt holders no longer want to wait for Helix to recover, once the shares are maxed out, they have the option of forcing them into BK to get whatever they can. Hence why adding shares to keep them happy is important. Of course, right now, the note holders wouldn't get much out of a BK anyways giving the lack of assets Helix has. That is until a valuation can be put on the patent and being that they haven't technically been issued the patent until they pay for it ($1055), it's not yet an asset in the true sense of everything. They have until April 18th to do so.

In the meantime they will continue on the road to maximum dilution with the 1.75 billion A/S they currently got, in small doses.
I assume that the convertible debt holders will wait it out once the O/S is maxed out, given that the value of the company will rise on the actual issuance of the patent, giving them a better chance to get money out of a BK deal. I also believe that Helix will try and increase the A/S as the April 18th deadline nears, giving them some time before allowing the convertible debt holders to once again force Helix into more dilution if the status of the company's current revenue problems continue, delaying a potential BK process.

What they do between now and April will decide the fate of the company. We all know that they will max out the O/S. It's inevitable. Bitching about it is a waste of stress, breath and typing time. As are thoughts of an R/S. There will be time for that later down the road if they can survive the Convertible Note Holder's wrath first. In the meantime, cheers to all on this bugger. I gotta focus my time now on another company I'm in that's on a DTC Global Lock down. Ugh.