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Recovering Stock Junkie

02/05/11 10:16 AM

#12 RE: lilpuppy6 #11

Nice to see another Laidlaw supporter over here looking at the potential value. I am a little surprised that more haven't come over to look.


02/05/11 4:37 PM

#14 RE: lilpuppy6 #11

renegy only has 2 plants (well 1 now)...the other (snowflake) is producing revenue....not sure why they would sell their only source of revenue to be left with nothing except a pile of cash...i would give the chances of LLEG buying another renegy plant at around .0000001%


02/07/11 3:13 AM

#25 RE: lilpuppy6 #11

IMO, we could be in for some surprise...AS MIKE put it!!!...