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03/15/01 6:57 AM

#6486 RE: BillBranum #6484

Bill, I wasn't aware of the 2 for 1 split, please give me a link to verify this.

I am one of the "initial investors" that you talk about and have not seen a 2 for 1 split. I really haven't checked on this one, so please help me understand.

Does anybody else know about this?

JMHO, TAfirehawk

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03/15/01 8:14 AM

#6487 RE: BillBranum #6484

just looked to see if still had letter we received when this was done. no luck. remember talking to Rich at the time this was done. ask him the difference between preferred and restricted stocks, he explained and also explained why he went with restricted stocks instead of preferred stocks for investors. anyhow, this was done before they they were converted into stock cert. will see if can find letter, friend might have. Don`t remember letter saying anything about 2/1 split. It was something like he was doubling the amount of shares we would recieve for our investment. realize it is 2/1 split but the wording was not that way. just little input, will try to find letter

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03/15/01 8:47 AM

#6488 RE: BillBranum #6484

Bill, what evidence of a Split...

do you have?... You can't split stock without SEC filings, so tell me what are you relying on to believe such a thing, before going off in the wrong direction, as happened in the recent past, due to your misperception at the Open House...

JMHO, F. Goelo + + +

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03/15/01 9:26 AM

#6489 RE: BillBranum #6484


Your true colors are coming out. Please stop jumping to conclusions, you're way off.

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03/15/01 3:23 PM

#6499 RE: BillBranum #6484

Mr. Branum you are correct. The SEVU "Convertible" private placement(s?) raises all kinds of questions with negative implications for SEVU. Stick to your guns. The responses you have received on the board thus far seem disingenuous and/or evasive. Good luck.