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02/03/11 5:04 PM

#41958 RE: ke4pqd #41954

Guess I really just don't care enough about the short term trading range issues right now to bother parsing them that closely. Traders are going to trade... often choosing to see things one way or another at a particular time without much real reason behind the focus.

I think, as a general rule, you can expect things will tend to take a whole lot longer than the optimists will be expecting, as now...

We've not yet reached, but are finally getting "close" to a start point. When we DO get there, that will be a welcome milestone... but, it is still just the beginning of that formal portion of the conflict, and not necessarily all that close to the beginning of the end of it...

When things DO finally get started... then, events will happen, and things that happen at trial will tend to have some of the features of the case take on a life of their own, and all the expectations that there will be a "quick and dirty" trial and a rapidly delivered result... will likely be made one of the first victims of the process, once it is fully engaged.

Then, at some point, things will be "resolved"... with an outcome at trial that is going to be more or less useful to CLYW, and more or less useful to Daic... and then we can move along to addressing the problems that will need to be addressed by appeals... etc.

Just not that useful, IMO, to sustain overly high expectations over a long period of time that a result will be delivered "any minute". There is always potential there may be a settlement. Not likely, IMO, that Williamson would ever get overly serious about that prior to meeting Markle on the courthouse steps. And, still, more likely IMO that if they do intend to try to settle, they'll try to arrive there only much much later in the process... after they think they've had a chance to do some "damage" to the CLYW case. I also think they are deluding themselves about that...

I still think they AREN'T planning on doing anything other than dragging this out as long as is possible... hoping to try to outlast CLYW in court... and hoping to get enough favorable treatment of their case by the judge, expecting that he will be willing to go way out of his way to try to tilt the field of play their way in some significant measure... ?

Why would they think that ? Given the facts, there isn't any way in hell they could expect to "win" on any significant element of this... without having a degree of certainty tied to having paid the judge to deliver the result they want. That there are some posting here basically bragging that the judge is "in their pocket"... is interesting enough in itself.

I think they have obvious reasons they've decided on those tactics they think are most likely to prove useful to them...

I expect there are also reasons that CLYW has approached things as they have...

It may not be all that popular a call here... but, my opinion is that we're fairly unlikely to get any real resolution from the current state case in the short term, rather than new causes for action, including some that might prove more useful in other venues...

I still think this is far more likely to begin being wound up only when there are Federal criminal indictments unsealed, far more than it is likely to be resolved in the early stages of a civil trial in Texas state courts.

Still, the state trial should prove interesting...

It IS a formal milestone in the beginning of the end...


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02/03/11 9:38 PM

#41976 RE: ke4pqd #41954

Thanks for your insight. 4 years! I've been in it 4 hours. I pray it doesn't take that long for me to see a gain.

Trying to get caught up to speed tonight.

All I know T-mobile sucks in the deep South. They do have a hot chick on their commercials. Thats there is some stellar DD on my part.