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02/03/11 12:50 PM

#26 RE: swanlinbar #25 1.96 with $3.40 price target from Global Hunter Looks like Keystone pipeline is on schedule for 2013 completion per Credit Suisse. Appears that news on project approval is due shortly.

¦ Keystone XL is the key for Gulf Coast access:
We believe the main bottleneck driving down WTI differentials and WCS today is the lack of linkage from Cushing (WTI) to the Gulf Coast refining complex. TransCanada is hoping to receive approval for the Keystone XL pipeline shortly which could be onstream by 2013.

Keystone pipeline adds about $10 per barrel to the price received by Nimin on its WY oil per prior presentations. Nice to see that project approval seems likely and in near future.

See slide 16