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02/03/11 2:01 AM

#17133 RE: need2win #17130

I wasn't asking about RiteAid, infomercials, buildings, or if they have a great product. I wasn't asking if this is a good return on my investment or if I should buy. I was talking specifically about Walmart, because someone made a statement about Walmart which I thought was illogical. I like to correct people and I like to address one issue at a time and establish a solid hierarchy of actual facts and logic. I don't need irrelevant information or evasions thrown in-between my discussions of solitary issues. Those things will have their own time for me to talk about them as well (as I already have).


02/03/11 2:14 AM

#17134 RE: need2win #17130

When I'm trying to think of the valuation of a stock, I'm constantly forming and modifying a complex equation in my head such as w + x + y + z - a - b - c - D. When I'm having a discussion specifically about w, it is for a reason, and I don't want to hear about x and y and (-D) as to why I shouldn't be discussing w.