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03/14/01 10:46 PM

#6476 RE: TAfirehawk #6475

<OT> Actually I've been gone for several hours and haven't deleted a thing. Have had a glass or two or three of vino while dealing with more pressing things like an eighty two year old mother-in-law in assisted living for Alzheimers. Spent the last three hours dealing with the fact that we lost fifteenK of her money in a couple of mutual funds. So, I've been busy trying to reassure the siblings that things will work out in the end and chatting with "the mother-in-law" just spending some time with her and finding some laughter to share with her in this most dreadful of all situations.

I've always found it to be a quaundary in the medical profession with terminal patients that they seem to prolong a patient's death. I suppose with all of the malpractice suits floating around, if they have to err it's in their best interest to err on the side of life. It's my opinion that people are living much longer than their bodies can be reasonably be expected to support them. Again, when considering the quality of life that those who are living beyond their "normal" life expectancy dictates...what "moral" responsibilty does the physician have to keep the body alive???

Sorry for the digression but that's what I've been dealing with this PM. We can further discuss this on EXHIB if anyone has any input. Thanks. SH

Rich McBride

03/14/01 10:50 PM

#6477 RE: TAfirehawk #6475

An update

A little information about the move. We are all looking forward to our new home and having air conditioning in the summer and a roof that does not leak. It will be a new
experience. When we started out this facility was
workable and we had room to grow. It was an improvement from the back of my boat.

We have utilized all the space even using the hallways. Maturing into a big company and having major industry players in town requires the change. It will also eliminate
transit back and forth between our ad agency.

The production department will be located next to our manufacturer. This eliminates many problems and costs.
Our techs can work with the tooling people and the
injection molding facility all in the same complex.

Look for a picture show on the web site soon. The 16th floor of the new building avails us to a high tech state of the art presentation room. It will be very impressive
and I think we will probably save money.

The phone numbers remain the same and we will be open for business Monday morning, there may be some communication problems Friday afternoon.

Rich McBride

P.S. McBride & Associates designed the packaging. The input came from buyers and marketing people from some big companies. You need to see the product, I admit the web sight picture does not do it justice.

A sad note yesterday was the passing of my good friend Morton Downy Jr., he was a much different person to know in real life then his TV personality portrayed. I was fortunate to know him and work with him on many projects.