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02/02/11 7:48 PM

#113915 RE: mcbio #113913

Will shares of VRUS sell off if this is how it plays out or will the market understand that it is likely going to take another HCV DAA to be added to the equation and thus the trial should be deemed a success if it's shown that the two drugs can at least be safely combined and show meaningful efficacy?

It depends on how you are defining meaningful efficacy—please clarify.


02/03/11 8:55 AM

#113949 RE: mcbio #113913


as long as the drugs are tolerated well together, shown to have additive to syngergistic activity, then VRUS imo should not be singificantly affected even if SVRs are not achieved. this is because yo uwill then be one step closer to either an all-DAA regimen, or you have a shot to get either better SVRs or better tolerability or both to PI+SOC
so as i see it 3 possible outcomes:

1. total failure
2. total success
3. good tolerability, no DDIs, additive to synergistic potency, some rebound and or relapse so SVRs are not "good" and a 3rd agent in necessary

#1 VRUS PPS sinks, #2 VRUS PPS can be VRTX-like, #3 - well see above

from BMY's perspective #2 means a no-go for a large phase 3 interferon lambda trial in hep C