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02/01/11 6:04 PM

#126269 RE: F6 #126207

I knew you weren't being cavalier about the 1978 blizzard because you never are about severe weather. Several of those people stranded on Route 128 that day did die.

I was working in Boston right near the old Boston Garden and left work about 15 minutes early at 3:45 pm. The storm did not look that bad. I got on the Red Line subway line heading south to Weymouth. It turns out I was on the last "subway" car to make it through because the line goes above ground south of Boston.

Driving home was awful. Snow was coming down 2 to 3 inches per hour. A bunch of us got out to get a stuck snow plow going and then followed it. I crash landed my car in a snow drift where I thought my house was and there I spent the next week. Also came down with the flu. The next day I only got out of my house by opening the vertical garage door and shoveling. I eventually got the front door clear. It took about three days to get my car to where it belonged. My dogs just walked on top of the snow over my four foot fence. The problem with this humongous storm is that we had just had another big snow storm like a week before it.

It was brutal but not as bad as an F6 tornado. Those tornado videos are scary. Total destruction and nothing you can do except be lucky and not be where it goes.


03/20/11 7:02 PM

#133915 RE: F6 #126207

Storm Chasers Videos .. You've landed on the best collection of storm chasers videos on the
Web. See all 54 videos below.

There are 54 videos tagged "Storm Chasers"

......Hope you guys haven't seen all these ... ;) ..!


04/26/11 4:12 AM

#137949 RE: F6 #126207

on the occasion of the 20th anniversary -- Andover:


Claim photos found after Andover Tornado

Andover photos

More Andover photos

Even more photos

Claim lost Andover photos
Claim photos found after Andover Tornado

By Megan Strader
KWCH 12 Eyewitness News
9:35 p.m. CDT, April 25, 2011

(ANDOVER, Kan.) — Thousands of pictures, found after the 1991 Andover tornado, can be claimed on Tuesday at Andovers City Hall.

The pictures were found in the streets and as far away as Emporia [ ].

"Baby pictures, wedding pictures, moments of their youth that have been captured and they'll never be able to be get them back except for here," explains Andover Mayor Ben Lawrence.

City employees and representatives from the historical society spent much of Monday laying the pictures out on tables in the council chambers.

At least one album has already been traced back to its owner. Eyewitness News was there as Keenan Poore was returned his daughters' baby book.

He and his wife lost everything in the tornado, including all family pictures. The book contained everything from her birth announcement to sonogram pictures.

You can look at the pictures starting Tuesday at 5:30.

Copyright © 2011, KWCH-TV,0,21507.story [no comments yet]


a very good collection of videos, including ones I've not seen before, of/in re the Andover (which was the next storm north of the one I saw, the Red Rock [the post to which this is a reply, and ]), at


additional in general (linked) in and preceding and following