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02/01/11 10:55 AM

#158541 RE: ORCA #158540

TAKI, why do you care about the interview? We both already know whats going to be said and what questions will be asked...For Example:

"Hello Eric, It's been around a year since our last interview, what developments have changed with Winning Brands?"

Well, Hello (Interviewer's name), I just want to make the note that Winning Brands did not request this Interview. We were asked and WE accepted. But yes, Winning Brands has made great strides over the past year. We are doing so many great things...blah blah...We are talking to many different retailers blah blah...although we cannot yet disclose the name(s) at this time blah blah...but we are very excited moving forward and have confidence that we are setting ourselves up for future success.

"Well Eric, I see the stock price for WNBD has dropped since we last spoke, Can you explain what you think is going on?"

Well, I believe it is a combination of things. One being traders selling shares which in turn lowers the share price. Another being the lack of interest at the moment due to Winning Brands not yet promoting itself, something we take great pride in. We are one of a very few junior companies that do not artificially release Press Releases to pump up the share price. We at Winning Brands think long term and have a 10 year plan that is working. We also have large numbers of Long Term shareholders who have growing confidence in that Winning Brands will be successful. They hold on to their shares because they know the small gains they can get now are minimal to what COULD be when we reach our Tipping Point....(Then blah blah blah...discussing what "Tipping Point" means)

"Ok, What things have you done or will you do to increase the stock value for your current Shareholders?"

Next question please...

P.S....It is not in Eric's agenda to speak about new material via a pointless if this interview coincided with a awareness campaign...then yeah I could see the point...but we already know that ain't happenin'...Just another interview to keep the long term holders in-tune for the next episode of dilution...
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Virtual Drew

02/01/11 10:57 AM

#158542 RE: ORCA #158540

<shrugs shoulders>

That kind of pertinent information isn't disclosed or discussed, apparently.

I'm wondering how much Eric is compensating for conducting the interview!