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01/30/11 7:19 PM

#60838 RE: pphmtoolong #60837

toolong. Good analogy, roulette wheel. It apparently remains too close to call re. the "ifs,whethers,&whats" of Bavi (and Cotara). These initial human trials with naked Bavi will bolster safety profile for anti-PS, a critical long-range trove of information, but it might be a close call re. important survival numbers with Bavi. A close call with the FDA, but probably a favorable outcome there as well. But we know naked Bavi is no barnburner when used an an immunological booster only instead of as an "armed" MAB, packing a payload of cancercidal small particles in one arm while grabbing onto cancer/viral cell-membrane -PS with the other. One solace is PPHM's strong relationship with Affitec which is brewing a much better (humanized? armable?) Bavi, and apparently has immediate clinical trials outlets in Russia.
Anti-TNT therapy (Cotara)has definitely turned a few heads, being able to deliver a punch when injected inside tumor. But like humanizing MAB Bavi, pursuit of a smaller/humanized Cotara is the goal, and that work is proceeding apace. I plan to buy some more shares of PPHM next week (early). All imo.


01/30/11 7:20 PM

#60839 RE: pphmtoolong #60837

I agree.... the wonder drug of 2011 and will be the talk of all the big bios and whether they should look seriously at buying Peregrine now or wait till its too late.

Does anyone know if Peregrine has any "names" already picked if and when the first FDA approval comes in.

Has to be better than Avastin though...