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Kansas City Pete

01/30/11 4:24 PM

#39696 RE: Alamo_on_the_rise #39695

Whatever the focus of the new incarnation of OWV, let us try to contact the current ceo and get some feedback as to what is going on.
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01/30/11 8:59 PM

#39698 RE: Alamo_on_the_rise #39695

accretive, nice :) once this all settles down i really want to try and get a civil line of communication going with prior and have him define that word for me... not now of course as that would just be a line but maybe when this is all behind everyone and we can laugh about...

seriously though hopefully lindsay has something good like that up his sleeve. maybe these shares were added now to be used at a later date during a promo like the last time they did this in november 2009 for the feb 2010 pump. took 2-1/2 months or so for everything to die down and excitement to build, that should be long enough for him to get some decent background on this gold thing no?
then again its almost a month now and my patience is wearing thin... need to see something that will make me think this will move the right way soon. but along those lines that would put us near the beginning of april which is well after my february goal.

move fast mr lindsay, move fast